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"The Eternal Way"

Zen individual training over 2 years with Sensei Okami

The Zen path is individually shaped by personal experiences, insights and breaking out of habitual and harmful behavioral patterns.

On the path we are confronted with a number of valuable obstacles, the nature of which we can recognize in order to turn them into advancements. ZEN leads to the experience of the unity of life (eternal path) and needs an experienced companion who has already walked this path.

But the Zen training goes beyond that and frees us from our ignorance of our true nature so that we can be fully human, alive and awake in the interactive, co-creative being that is happening here right now.

Against the background of the current no-end crises, such as climate change, we need people with a sound spiritual foundation and the strength to not let ourselves be overwhelmed, but to become and remain creative and capable of acting with compassion for everything. With this we touch our strict compassion and the massive energy from it from our core.

The individual training opens up a space in which teachers and students can individually experience the perspectives of this probably most important path and the true identity of a person.

5 levels of individual training for teachers/students over the age of 2 yearsBased on the 6 core practices of the Eido-Ji Zen path:

· Various forms of Zen meditation

· Close mentoring relationship with Sensei Okami for over 2 years

· Liturgy & Ceremony

· (Koan training)

Okami's InnerDialog

· Zen & presence in everyday life

· Zen & Climate Change


Training units consist of practice and teaching of the ZEN14 daily 90 minutes2 Zen courses over 4 days overnight (extra costs) per year1 x Zazen Kai daily meditation per year

Course fee for the 2-year course €500 at the beginning plus monthly €80 fee

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